
Elements of Montessori

As we understand and appreciate the joy of children discovering the world around them, curiosity makes them learn because they want to. We stimulate and excite their curiosity and motivate them to learn, using some elements of the Montessori Method

1. We encourage them to be independent so don’t do everything for them, but we are around to help when they need us. We follow and encourage the approach of “help me to do it by myself”.

2. Order – we put the toys back in the right place after use as it is difficult to focus in an untidy environment.

3. We observe the children so that we can get to know them better and see the progress they make.

4. We believe that every child has talent, and thanks to our observation, a well-organised environment, and classes run by specialists, we can discover a child’s real talent(s) and uniqueness.

5. We pay attention to the environment in which the children spend their time because harmony and order have an impact on them and their ability to focus.

6. Our furniture and some toys are made from top quality certified wood.

7. We encourage healthy habits in our children. We do this by ensuring that children wash their hands before mealtimes and after using the toilet. We also ensure that children brush their teeth after meals and develop healthy eating habits.

8. We spend a lot of time outdoors which leads to the children experiencing both nature as well as play.